May 2, 2010 by JKillz
April is over and we've seen some great improvements to the site so far. One thing is for sure, we've got our work cut out for us, but the progress has been steady and there is no letting up anytime soon. Last month saw quite a bit of data added to the site and there is so much more to go.
We also want to thank the viewers of the site once again, April has seen a near doubling of visits and while the FE forum page for the site has been focused on announcing the updates, we are now starting to see player mail in our inbox. This is another great show of support and helps drive us to continue this massive undertaking.
Going forward, we want to let everyone know that we have some pretty cool guides in mind. PvP has not been forgotten, we are simply waiting for the latest patch to be released. Blood Sports looks really awesome and the addition this will bring for PvP is going to keep us busy for quite some time. While that is eagerly anticipated, we'll continue to move through the Plateau and update as we go. We're pretty much ready to move into Kingman View now and start cranking out the data for those areas, so keep your eyes peeled.
Lastly, the Clan Database will be coming out in May. This has us pretty excited since it's going to be a database of player organized clans. We will make improvements to this section as needed and hope to have it out to you all within a few days if not sooner.
Take care and 'Do the clone thing!'