Back to Enemies - S1 - Humanoid
Blade Dancer Wannabe
Level 1 (Passive)
Best Locations:
Embry Commonwealth
Blade Dancer Camp - Blade Dancer Wannabe (Level 1) 5+
X:4367890, Y:3232149
Blade Dancer Dirk
Level 2 (Aggressive)
Best Locations:
Embry Commonwealth
Blade Dancer Camp - Blade Dancer Dirk (Level 2) 10+
X:4367890, Y:3232149
Blade Dancer Poniard
Level 3 (Aggressive)
Best Locations:
Embry Commonwealth
Blade Dancer Camp - Blade Dancer Poniard (Level 3) 10+
X:4367890, Y:3232149
Blade Dancer Kopesh
Level 4 (Aggressive)
Best Locations:
Embry Commonwealth
Blade Dancer Camp - Blade Dancer Kopesh (Level 4) 10+
X:4367890, Y:3232149
Survivalist Scavenger
Levels 2 - 3 (Aggressive)
Note: Level 5+ human enemies seem to be on a slightly different drop table. When Tier 2 is created, this enemy will be updated.
Best Locations:
Embry Commonwealth
Survivalist Camp - Survivalist Scavenger (Levels 2 - 3) 30+
X:4414186, Y:3256728
Survivalist Scout
Levels 3 - 4 (Aggressive)
Best Locations:
Embry Commonwealth
Survivalist Settlement - Survivalist Scout (Levels 2 - 4) 20+
X:4350966, Y:3220473
Survivalist Lackey
Level 2 (Aggressive)
Best Locations:
The Plateau
Survivalist Base Camp - Survivalist Lackey (Level 2) 20+
Survivalist Cave Entrance - Survivalist Lackey (Level 2) 10+
X:4486157, Y:3245657
Survivalist Foreman
Level 2 (Aggressive)
Best Locations:
The Plateau
Survivalist Base Camp - Survivalist Foreman (Level 3) 10+
X:4486157, Y:3245657
Digger Grunt
Digger Grunt (Veteran) (Levels 6 - 7)
Ragged Wool (Very Common)
Ragged Cotton (Common)
-nothing- (Common)
Best Locations:
The Plateau
Zombie Mansion - Digger Grunt (Veteran) (Levels 6 - 7) 30+
X:4451670, Y:3316831