Locations - Boneclaw
Under the rule of Warchief Jannix Boneclaw, the town that carries his name is nestled into an old quarry. Makeshift shacks and huts litter the place inhabited by mostly CHOTA members. Megara also resides in this last refuge of the children. She is the CHOTA hero from Hover Dam and is in charge of defending the town from the Blade Dancer infestation. The valley to the east is also of importance since it has the entrance to the Cave of Beasts, a CHOTA proving ground that has its fair share of challenges for the brave explorers of the plateau.

NPC's | Merchants | Trainers | Missions | Points of Interest | Town Event

Brief Background
With such a heavy CHOTA influence, it's no wonder that Boneclaw is the ideal place for any melee enthusiast to get their feet wet. The local residents have plenty of ways for the passing clone to crack skulls and they sure enjoy showing it. Several different tribes of the children reside here, so you will get a chance to see some of the differences in their views as well.
Although the CHOTA are a brute collective of individuals, the warchief is experiencing some difficulties taming his wild inhabitants. Grab your magnifying glass and espionage kit and take on the role of detective as you discover who plans to overthrow the warchief. That isn't his only problem though. His advisor, Claw of Redhand, has also gone missing deep in the Cave of Beasts. Then there is the Blade Dancer threat that local legend Megara is trying to take care of. In other words, anyone willing to help these misfits and freaks will be quite busy in Boneclaw.
Despite it's affinity with blood-splattering, Boneclaw does have a good deal of resources for those intune with geology. Scrap Coal and Scrap Copper are in abundance in the Cave of Beasts if you can survive long enough to fill your pack. There is also some good nature harvesting in some of the outskirt areas as well, so don't write-off Boneclaw if your not into all the bloodshed.