Back to Harvesting and Scavenging
In the wasteland, you keep what you kill. Don't leave that giant insect or mutated beast for the bottom feeders when you can take vital resources from the corpse. Listed below are each of the different animals and creatures you can harvest. Each will list what items you can get from them as well as where the best spots are to find clusters of them.
Note: The level of the enemy determines the skill level needed to harvest the corpse. Enemies under level 5 requires skill level 1 to harvest and enemies level 5 and up require skill level 15. As higher level enemies are entered, the skill level needed will be updated.
2nd Note: So far, level doesn't effect the harvesting reward. So a level 1 prairie chicken alpha rewards just the same as one at level 6, thus enemy levels will not be provided unless they give a different harvest reward.
Select an animal or creature type to learn more: