Megara's Army (Garta)
- Kill 10 Blade Dancer Recruits
Gives Exp
Boneclaw Coup Ring
The Dogs of Boneclaw (Medusa)
- Collar 5 Wild Dogs
Gives Exp
Boneclaw Coup Ring
Barricades (Shaman Black-Hand)
- Collect 5 Scrap Copper & 5 Scrap Wood
Gives Exp
Boneclaw Coup Ring x3
End the Harassment (Dolor)
- Kill 5 Blade Dancer Ambushers
Gives Exp
+250 Townsperson Faction
Boneclaw Coup Ring x2
Megara's Command (Megara, Fist of Redhand)
- 10 missions completed for Dolor & Shaman Black-Hand & 15 missions completed for Garta & Medusa
Megara's Command, Part 2 (Megara, Fist of Redhand)
- Defend Boneclaw
Boneclaw Coup Ring x3