Clinton FARM Toxic Event
Down the northwest slope of the plateau in which Clinton FARM resides, there is the Bramby Mine, a great source of coal and copper. For a long time this mine was under control by the Bramby family, but a local force of Blade Dancers have invaded and made it their own. Danger lies deep in the mines in the form of toxic waste. The Blade Dancers have been putting a strong effort in transporting this deadly cargo to a far off region, but in the process they have begun to contaminate the local area with noxious fumes and radiactive residue.
The residents of Clinton FARM have now turned to outsiders for help and any clone worth his weight in biomatter is being recruited to join in the efforts to rid the mine of Blade Dancers once and for all. Those willing to help will be rewarded for their time with protective gear and medical supply packs. If you so choose to help these poor people, be sure to get familiar with your medical skills while in town since they will play a crucial part in your survival.

Tip: If you are looking for the fastest way to gather Clinton FARM Chips to cash in for rewards, then just do the Lester Alden mission 'First, Do No Harm' over and over. It's the mission where you use Treat Poison 1 on the sick cadets. It takes about a minute to complete, so you can max out with 30 Chips (most you can carry at once) within about 30 minutes.
Note: A change has been made to the reuse time of Treat Poison 1, and thus it should be even faster to earn 30 Chips now. This has yet to be re-tested.