Back to Embry Crossroads Monster Hunt
Unleashing the Beast (Tia Shane)
- Assist the Bankers in getting the hunt ready (6 completed missions for each Event Coordinator)
The Beast, Unleashed (Once 6 completed missions for each Event Coordinator)
- Kill the Beast
Gives Exp
Monster Hunter's Token x25
Funding the Hunt (Rahim Fakhouri)
- Turn in a Hunt Contribution Voucher
Monster Hunter's Token
Clearing the Battlefield (Atticus Rich)
- Turn in either 2 Ragged Creeper Hide or 2 Tainted Creeper Meat
Gives Exp
Monster Hunter's Token
Feeding the Beast (Patty Dines)
- Turn in 2 Tainted Meat
Gives Exp
Monster Hunter's Token
Enraging the Beast (Laurie Poole)
- Turn in a Crude Vitamin Shot
Gives Exp
Monster Hunter's Token
Controlling the Beast (Laurie Poole)
- Turn in 3 Crude Exhausting Poisons
Gives Exp
Monster Hunter's Token