Special Thanks: Legends of the Fall, Wolves of War, Slim Jammies from Pixel Junkies, and Heero from Lagwar's FE Podcast
Summary of the Event: This event started in Needle Eye where we invaded the LifeNet Bunker and laid waste to that hideous fungus Deathspore. He only lasted 2 seconds... We did have nearly 75 clones in 3 raid groups making minced mushrooms out of it. When we were done, we ventured to kill Glusharg the Earth Reaper in Linewood, that thing is pretty huge. Afterwards, we made our way to the nearby Judge Encampment and taught them some manners. Next was the Creeper Town a few paces away where we bagged us a Giant Creeper.
Then we made our way to the Falkenberg Mine. After that, we ventured to the GlobalTac Mine in Watchtower to kill Dr. Corman. If that was't enough, there was also the mysterious Chupacabra that was terrorizing the local livestock. Once we beat the heck out of the Chupacabra, we settled in at the Jensen's/Legends Farm for an intermission party, we all like parties, right? We had some prize giveaways, food & drink, and some dancing and socializing.
Then we started the second leg of the night. We journeyed to Mowbray Basin and assaulted the Judge Town and the massive cave complex within. Tons of loot was found within the 20 level 30 crates. After the Judges were begging for our mercy, we made our way to the Hoffa Bunker to kill some pretty nasty beasties down there. We couldn't end there though, so we trekked up to the Toro Power Station. This was our biggest challenge yet since by now, several hours into it, we were down to just 1 raid group instead of the 3 we started with. We had some casualties, but we prevailed and made it in and out with enough energy to travel up to Trumbull. We had the afterparty in the diner and gave out the last of the prizes, the Grand Prize being a Cargo Motorcycle Key courtesy of Noxia from the Wolves of War.
It was an epic evening and I will be glad to share some photos on this page. Also, thanks to everyone that came out, whether you were there an hour early for the pre-event party, or tagged along during the second leg and made it until the end of the night. It was an honor to see so many dedicated clones and I really look forward to the challenge of topping this milestone event in the near future!
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We really had one hell of a turnout and took Deathspore down in 2 seconds.
There was definitely a need for more parking space at the Needle Eye Bunker Entrance
Glusharg the Earth Reaper didn't stand a chance.
Nearly 4 hours into the night, we had a bunch of clones that didn't want the fun to end.
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