12/31/09 - Combining your actions will give you the edge in combat. Try using Knockdown with Smash.
12/30/09 - Vehicles are located under the science tradeskill, horses under the nature tradeskill.
12/29/09 - Got more recipes than a four star chef? Use the filters in the recipe window to hide ones you can't craft, or will give you no skill gain.
12/28/09 - Gunpowder is made using the science skill, ammunition using ballistics.
12/27/09 - If someone offers to trade you $20 for 10 gold, you're playing the wrong game.
12/26/09 - Don't waste time with an unorganized pack. Use the filter icon in the inventory window to sort your items by category.
12/25/09 - You should have gotten a snack! Be sure to eat and drink before you head into dangerous areas - the extra health and stamina can mean the difference between life and death.
12/24/09 - Did your untimely death leave your mount to fend for itself? Save yourself a long walk - tow it at your local garage.
12/23/09 - Fix it yourself! Purchase recipes for weaponry, ballistics, armor, and vehicle repair kits at respective trainers (science for vehicles).
12/22/09 - Want to mark that great spot for scrap wood? Create custom map waypoints with ALT+P.
12/21/09 - Need more actions and items at your fingertips? Expand your hotkey bar by clicking and dragging the bottom, corners or sides.
12/20/09 - Don't like your shortcut options? You can customize your keymap in the options menu.
12/19/09 - Customize your chat settings in the chat window. You can switch your chat channel, change your font size, and even make custom chat tabs.
12/18/09 - Get it and go! Speed up your looting and harvesting by holding SHIFT as you click for auto-looting.
12/17/09 - Scoped firearms provide a huge boost to accuracy. Press B to activate a scope, and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
12/16/09 - To quickly cycle between equipped weapons, hold Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel forward or backward.
12/15/09 - Long trip ahead? Activate auto-run by pressing Numlock. Your character will automatically move forward until you press any movement key.
12/14/09 - Dude, where's my horse? Look for the green square icon on the compass or map to find your lost mount.
12/13/09 - Need a new 'do? Right-click on your character's head to change hairstyles.
12/12/09 - The strategic map is a shopper's best friend. Hover over merchant icons to see what types of merchants are nearby.
12/11/09 - Click the central AP monitor bubble on your character tab to automatically bring up the stats and skills window.
12/10/09 - Not all merchants offer the same prices. Shop around to see who gives you a better deal.
12/9/09 - Besides being tough opponents, many bosses have a chance of dropping unique and valuable lott. So if you stumble across one unexpectedly, KILL IT!
12/8/09 - Did you know that you can take off all your clothes and perform the chicken dance atop a ruined car in the middle of town? We're not saying you should, but it is an option.
12/7/09 - Boosting your Willpower will automatically raise your Alpha Mutation skill, but other mutation paths need to be raised individually with AP.
12/6/09 - Tired of getting rooked by merchants? Try boosting your Social skill.
12/5/09 - See a name in yellow on the Chat window? That's a GM! Contact them if you need assistance in the game.
12/4/09 - Click the info button on your horse or vehicle interface to see important stat information and to access its storage.
12/3/09 - Be sure to keep some healing abilities ready on your action bar. A quick boost to your health can make all the difference in a tough fight.
12/2/09 - After being shot at and attacked by legions of aggressive opponents, you might think that everyone in PVP hates you. Thankfully, this isn't true. They just want you to die.
12/1/09 - Supply their demand! Instead of selling your loot directly to item vendors, take it to the auction house and make a deal. You might be surprised how much someone will pay for five bottles of Questionable Milk.