10/31/09 - Remember that all skills have different abilities associated with them. Check with trainers to see your options.
10/30/09 - Call in the cavalry! You can fire rifles from horseback, and fire pistols while riding a motorcycle or a horse.
10/29/09 - There are no elves in Fallen Earth. If you see one, kill it.
10/28/09 - Combining your actions will give you the edge in combat. Try using Knockdown with Smash.
10/27/09 - Vehicles are located under the science tradeskill, horses under the nature tradeskill.
10/26/09 - Got more recipes than a four star chef? Use the filters in the recipe window to hide ones you can't craft, or will give you no skill gain.
10/25/09 - Gunpowder is made using the science skill, ammunition using ballistics.
10/24/09 - If someone offers to trade you $20 for 10 gold, you're playing the wrong game.
10/23/09 - Don't waste time with an unorganized pack. Use the filter icon in the inventory window to sort your items by category.
10/22/09 - You should have gotten a snack! Be sure to eat and drink before you head into dangerous areas - the extra health and stamina can mean the difference between life and death.
10/21/09 - Did your untimely death leave your mount to fend for itself? Save yourself a long walk - tow it at your local garage.
10/20/09 - Fix it yourself! Purchase recipes for weaponry, ballistics, armor, and vehicle repair kits at respective trainers (science for vehicles).
10/19/09 - Want to mark that great spot for scrap wood? Create custom map waypoints with [Alt]+[P].
10/18/09 - Need more actions and items at your fingertips? Expand your hotkey bar by clicking and dragging the bottom, corners or sides.
10/17/09 - Get it and go! Speed up your looting and harvesting by holding SHIFT as you click for auto-looting.
10/16/09 - To quickly cycle between equipped weapons, hold Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel forward or backward.
10/15/09 - Long trip ahead? Activate auto-run by pressing Numlock. Your character will automatically move forward until you press any movement key.
10/14/09 - Scoped firearms provide a huge boost to accuracy. Press B to activate a scope, and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
10/13/09 - Don't like your shortcut options? You can customize your keymap in the options menu.
10/12/09 - Customize your chat settings in the chat window. You can switch your chat channel, change your font size, and even make custom chat tabs.
10/11/09 - Dude, where's my horse? Look for the green square icon on the compass or map to find your lost mount.
10/10/09 - Need a new 'do? Right-click on your character's head to change hairstyles.
10/09/09 - The strategic map is a shopper's best friend. Hover over merchant icons to see what types of merchants are nearby.