Go to the Embry Crossroads Monster Hunt for additional Missions and Rewards.
Go to the The All-Mind and Junk Fortress pages for local storyline missions.
The Embry Job (Flynn Neville - X:4257882, Y:3231079)
- Talk to Shark
Gives Exp
60 Chips
The Embry Job: Part 2 (X:4257949, Y:3246443)
- Talk to Hector
Gives Exp
60 Chips
The Embry Job: Part 3 (X:4272203, Y:3212657)
- Find Blackhand
Gives Exp
60 Chips
The Embry Job: Part 4 (X:4201108, Y:3233442)
- Deliver the safe to Flynn Neville
2 AP
Gives Exp
60 Chips
Note: Available if you did the missions for Jaggd in Mumford
Vengeful Weapons (Sergeant Benson - X:4255201, Y:3229337)
- Find the cache
Gives Exp
Vengeful Weapons: Part 2 (X:4254528, Y:3260152)
- Defend yourself from Sheriff Amy Dennis and her crew
2 AP
Gives Exp
150 Chips
Up Close and Personal (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire 2 Crude Shinai
Gives Exp
65 Chips
Heavy Blades 1 Instructions
Up Close and Personal: Part 2 (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire 2 Crude Cleavers
Gives Exp
65 Chips
Axes 1 Instructions
Up Close and Personal: Part 3 (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire a Crude Machete & a Hatchet
Gives Exp
60 Chips
Knives 2 Instructions
Minimal Protection (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire 16 Ragged Cotton
Gives Exp
30 Chips
Choose either: Shoes 2 Instructions, Hats 2 Instructions, or Jackets 2 Instructions
Minimal Protection: Part 2 (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire either 5 Skull Caps, 2 Green Lined Jacket, or 5 Athletic Shoes
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Helmets 1 Instructions
Shoulders 1 Instructions
No Quarrel With You (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire 160 Crossbow Bolts
Gives Exp
Short Barrels Schematics
Manual Actions Schematics
Gun Fittings Schematics
Right to Bear Arms (Matthew Barker - X:4247549, Y:32293256)
- Acquire a Steel Short Light Barrel
Gives Exp
60 Chips
Handguns 1 Schematics
Salvaged Fasteners x2
Collections Call (Ricky Vargas - X:4248939, Y:3226687)
- Talk to Telly Jones, then Suzi Laws, & finally "Wound-up" Harris
Gives Exp
70 Chips
Mystery Stew (Sarina Brooke - X:4246425, Y:3223291)
- Acquire 8 Tainted Prairie Chicken Legs & 10 Tainted Prairie Chicken Eggs
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Preserving 1 Cookbook
Stewing 1 Cookbook
Mystery Stew: Part 2 (Sarina Brooke - X:4246425, Y:3223291)
- Acquire 3 Mason Jars & 2 Stewed Veggies
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Embry Canned Stew Cookbook
Note: Available if you did the missions for Sheriff Amy Dennis in Mumford
Smuggler's Payback ("Pops" Stephens - X:4248939, Y:3226687)
- Retrieve box of smuggled goods
Gives Exp
Smuggler's Payback: Part 2 (X:4263992, Y:3253292)
- Defend yourself against Jaggd and his crew
2 AP
Gives Exp
150 Chips
Feeding Habits (Howie Whipple - X:4239967, Y:3232566)
- Acquire 8 Crude Pain Killers
Gives Exp
15 Chips
Boosters 1 Formula
Feeding Habits: Part 2 (Howie Whipple - X:4239967, Y:3232566)
- Acquire 10 Crude Vitamin Shots
Gives Exp
45 Chips
Bombs 1 Schematics
Enhanced Armor 1 Schematics
Darker Knowledge (Cordelia Thorne - X:4253319, Y:3224726)
- Acquire 10 Weak Antiseptic
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Yours to Mine (Krissy Fincher - X:4253454, Y:3215194)
- Survey the nearby hills for metal deposits
Gives Exp
Yours to Mine: Part 2 (X:4254614, Y:3190345)
- Acquire 16 Scrap Copper
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Mine Lead Manual
Yours to Mine: Part 3 (Krissy Fincher - X:4253454, Y:3215194)
- Acquire 16 Scrap Iron
1 AP
Gives Exp
65 Chips
Mine Silver Manual
7 AP
1325 Chips
Heavy Blades 1 Instructions
Axes 1 Instructions
Knives 2 Instructions
Helmets 1 Instructions
Shoulders 1 Instructions
Short Barrels Schematics
Manual Actions Schematics
Gun Fittings Schematics
Handguns 1 Schematics
Preserving 1 Cookbook
Stewing 1 Cookbook
Embry Canned Stew Cookbook
Boosters 1 Formula
Bombs 1 Schematics
Enhanced Armor 1 Schematics
Mine Lead Manual
Mine Silver Manual
Choose either: Shoes 2 Instructions, Hats 2 Instructions, or Jackets 2 Instructions