I Wanna Be a Blacksmith (Hairy - X:3889289 Y:3196078)
- Collect 3 Scrap Copper
Gives Exp
Improvised 1 Instructions
Mine Copper Manual
Testing Your Mettle (Hairy - X:3889289 Y:3196078)
- Craft 3 Plumber Pipes
Gives Exp
30 Chips
Tools 1 Instructions
Refiner's Fire (Hairy - X:3889289 Y:3196078)
- Create 2 Fireplace Pokers
Gives Exp
30 Chips
Makeshift Weapons Instructions
Knives 1 Instructions
Meat Market (Dr. Cremaster - X:3893216, Y:3188724)
- Collect 5 Organ samples from the Local Blade Dancers
Gives Exp
45 Chips
Medicine Kit 1 Knowledge
Scrap Wood
Weak Antiseptic
Ragged Bandage x5
Just Say Yes (Dr. Cremaster - X:3893216, Y:3188724)
- Talk to Nicky Burns
Gives Exp
Just Say Yes, part 2 (Dr. Cremaster - X:3893216, Y:3188724)
- Talk to Thomas Keller
Gives Exp
Just Say Yes, part 3 (Dr. Cremaster - X:3893216, Y:3188724)
- Talk to Dr. Cremaster
Gives Exp
Mutagenics Kit Schematics 1
Pathology 1 Instructions
Trauma 1 Instructions
Blood Simple (Dr. Cremaster - X:3893216, Y:3188724)
- Collect 1 Weak Biologic Chemical
Gives Exp
30 Chips
Gamma Manipulation 1 Text
Blood Simple, part 2 (Dr. Cremaster - X:3893216, Y:3188724)
- Create 10 Crude Gamma Converters
Gives Exp
5 Chips
Alpha Injectors 1 Instructions
Alpha Injectors 2 Instructions
Preventive Medicine (Marcia Huro- X:3895138, Y:3186860)
- Collect 5 Bandages
Gives Exp
Preventive Medicine Part 2 (Marcia Huro- X:3895138, Y:3186860)
- Deliver the Bundle of Bandages to Albert Santos
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Every Bit Helps (Albert Santos - X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Use Santos Bandages on Injured Guards
Gives Exp
Harvest Insect Manual
Harvest Mutant Manual
Harvest Reptile Manual
Field of Battle (Richard Linder- X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Defend the camp
Gives Exp
Linder's Spy (Richard Linder- X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Escort Linder's Spy to the Blade Dancer Camp
Gives Exp
35 Chips
Linder's Spy, part 2 ("Blade Dancer")
- Approach the camp & cause a diversion
Gives Exp
Emergency Cache (Richard Linder- X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Deliver Supply Cache to the emergency drop location
Gives Exp
Horse Training 1 Instructions
Horsefeed Manual
Reports of Danger (Richard Linder- X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Talk to Albert Santos
Gives Exp
The (One-Clone) Wall (Albert Santos - X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Defend the camp
Gives Exp
Advance Warning (Albert Santos - X:3873558, Y:3223363)
- Talk to Marcia Huro
Gives Exp
Pharmacy After the Fall (Marcia Huro - X:3895138, Y:3186860)
- Create 3 Crude Healing Drugs & 3 Crude Pain Killers
Gives Exp
45 Chips
1 AP
Rally, Vol 1
The Price of Freedom (Rax - X:3900308, Y:3187980)
- Collect 5 Tainted Meat & 5 Scrap Copper
Gives Exp
42 Chips
Professor Rax (Rax - X:3900308, Y:3187980)
- Collect 2 Dilute Acids & 2 Tainted Eggs
Gives Exp
26 Chips
Weakness Gas Knowledge
-= Keller Branch =-
Note: The Burns Branch has 2 extra rewards over the Keller Branch, thus it is the better path to take.
Midway Dilemma (Pala Gears - X:3910446, Y:3191407)
- Talk to Thomas Keller
Gives Exp
Shirts 1 Instructions
Dye Formula
Midway's New Masters (Thomas Keller - X:3894550, Y:3197003)
- Acquire 2 Ragged Black T-Shirts
Gives Exp
35 Chips
Crossbow Schematics
Midway's New Masters: Part 2 (Thomas Keller - X:3894550, Y:3197003)
- Create 40 Crossbow Bolts
Gives Exp
40 Chips
Off the Streets (Thomas Keller - X:3894550, Y:3197003)
- Deliver Guard's Crossbow & Crate of Bolts to Mish Browning
Gives Exp
Antiseptic, Anesthetic (Mish Browning - X:3894527, Y:3193313)
- Deliver Liquor Bottle to injured Travelers near Midway
Gives Exp
30 Chips
First Aid or Torture? (Wounded Traveler - X:3851975, Y:3189426)
- Grab Heated Poker from the fire
Gives Exp
That Burning Sensation (Wounded Traveler - X:3851975, Y:3189426)
- Use the Heated Poker on the Dying Traveler
Gives Exp
Black Moccasins
Midway to Legitimacy (Wounded Traveler - X:3851975, Y:3189426)
- Kill Mother Board and retrieve the Midway Deed
Gives Exp
Deed to Midway
Midway to Victory (Thomas Keller - X:3894550, Y:3197003)
- Talk to Jenny Dunn
Gives Exp
Quick and Dirty (Jenny Dunn - X:3893632, Y:3186712)
- Kill Reis Burns
Gives Exp
2 AP
-= Burns Branch =-
Note: The Burns Branch has 2 extra rewards over the Keller Branch, thus it is the better path to take.
Midway Dilemma (Pala Gears - X:3910446, Y:3191407)
- Talk to Nick Burns
Gives Exp
Shirts 1 Instructions
Dye Formula
Rightful Masters (Nick Burns - X:3887842, Y:3188459)
- Create 2 Ragged Black T-Shirts
Gives Exp
35 Chips
Crossbow Schematics
Rightful Masters (Nick Burns - X:3887842, Y:3188459)
- Create 40 Crossbow Bolts
Gives Exp
40 Chips
Eye In the Sky (Nick Burns - X:3887842, Y:3188459)
- Deliver Crossbow & Crossbow Bolts to Angel Freeman
Gives Exp
Medical Moonshine (Angel Freeman- X:3889171, Y:3188974)
- Deliver Liquor Bottle to Wounded Traveler
Gives Exp
30 Chips
First Aid or Torture? (Wounded Traveler - X:3851975, Y:3189426)
- Grab Heated Poker from the fire
Gives Exp
First Aid or Torture?, part 2 (Wounded Traveler - X:3851975, Y:3189426)
- Use the Heated Poker on the Dying Traveler
Gives Exp
Black Moccasins
Mother Board's Documentation (Wounded Traveler - X:3851975, Y:3189426)
- Kill Mother Board and retrieve the Midway Deed
Gives Exp
Deed to Midway
Mine Iron Manual
Basic Geology Schematics 1
Beginning of the End (Nick Burns - X:3887842, Y:3188459)
- Talk to Jim Rothery
Gives Exp
Nasty, Brutish, and Short (Jim Rothery - X:3898619, Y:3192039)
- Kill Robert Keller
Gives Exp
2 AP
Odenville is Where It's At (Tiberius Alberan - X:3896520, Y:3191852)
- Go to Odenville
The First Rule (Robin Draner - X:3893470, Y:3196681)
- Defeat Salvatore, Paul Robertson, & El Demonio
Gives Exp
45 Chips
Mmm, Mmm Good (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Collect 3 Tainted Vegetables
Gives Exp
Cooking Components 1 Cookbook
Baking 1 Cookbook
Brewing 1 Cookbook
Stone Ground (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Create 3 Hard Tacks
Gives Exp
Stone Ground (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Deliver Rations for the Guards
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Gourmet Poison? (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Collect 1 Tainted Egg & 1 Tainted Water
Gives Exp
15 Chips
Grilling 1 Cookbook
Frying 1 Cookbook
Taste Test (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Use the Poison on a Blade Dancer Knife or Ripper
Gives Exp
33 Chips
Nature 1 Instructions
Taste Test, part 2 (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Create 1 Crude Slow Death Poison
Gives Exp
45 Chips
Market Forces (Tony Clemenza - X:3891801, Y:3195003)
- Talk to Joe Green
Gives Exp
Partner in Crime (Joe Green - X:3884840, Y:3229231)
- Defend yourself
Gives Exp
Partner in Crime, part 2 (Joe Green - X:3884840, Y:3229231)
- Talk to Tony Clemenza
Gives Exp
45 Chips
Treat Poison, Vol 1
Cooking Kit Schematics 1
Found Trouble (Joseph Peters - X:3895312, Y:3191350)
- Kill 7 Found Recruits & 3 Found Worshippers
Gives Exp
15 Chips
Zip Gun Schematics
Ballistics Kit Schematics 1
Ballistics Repair Schematics 1
Altered States (Joseph Peters - X:3895312, Y:3191350)
- Investigate the Found Junkyard
Gives Exp
Acids 1 Formula
Clubs 1 Instructions
Belts 1 Instructions
Passing the Book (Joseph Peters - X:3895312, Y:3191350)
- Take the book to Ted Cutter
Gives Exp
25 Chips
Basic Defensive Maneuvers (Ted Cutter - X:3892703, Y:3183770)
- Create 40 Crude Boiling Acids
Gives Exp
Gloves 1 Instructions
Jackets 1 Instructions
Hats 1 Instructions
War of Numbers (Ted Cutter - X:3892703, Y:3183770)
- Defend the junkyard
Gives Exp
A New Direction (Ted Cutter - X:3892703, Y:3183770)
- Talk to Ellen Prat
Gives Exp
Compass Schematics
A New Direction, part 2 (Ellen Prat - X:3898148, Y:3184791)
- Create a Copass
Gives Exp
20 Chips
Optics 1 Schematics
The Prime Tracker (Ellen Prat - X:3898148, Y:3184791)
- Track and Kill the CoG Prime Acolyte
Gives Exp
Shoes 1 Instructions
Regulatory Commission (Ellen Prat - X:3898148, Y:3184791)
- Find evidence at the Found Junkyard
Ted Cutter's Mini-Console
Bunker of the Mathematical God (Ted Cutter - X:3892703, Y:3183770)
- Acquire and Access Card from the Found
Working Access Card
The Great Machine (Ted Cutter - X:3892703, Y:3183770)
- Use the Working Access Card
Gives Exp
The Great Machine, part 2 (Ted Cutter - X:3892703, Y:3183770)
- Use Ted Cutter's Mini-Console
2 AP
Gives Exp
Sports Gear 1 Instructions
Trading with Garris (Garris - X:3895312, Y:3191350)
Repeatable: (3 different types)
Trade 3 Tainted Vegetables for 1 Scrap Iron
Trade 3 Scrap Copper for 1 Ragged Leather
Trade 4 Ragged Wool for 3 Scrap Wood
Note: The rewards assume you choose the Burns Branch.
5 AP
696 Chips
Improvised 1 Instructions
Mine Copper Manual
Tools 1 Instructions
Makeshift Weapons Instructions
Knives 1 Instructions
Medicine Kit 1 Knowledge
Mutagenics Kit Schematics 1
Pathology 1 Instructions
Trauma 1 Instructions
Gamma Manipulation 1 Text
Alpha Injectors 1 Instructions
Alpha Injectors 2 Instructions
Harvest Insect Manual
Harvest Mutant Manual
Harvest Reptile Manual
Horse Training 1 Instructions
Horsefeed Manual
Rally, Vol 1
Weakness Gas Knowledge
Shirts 1 Instructions
Dye Formula
Crossbow Schematics
Mine Iron Manual
Basic Geology Schematics 1
Cooking Components 1 Cookbook
Baking 1 Cookbook
Brewing 1 Cookbook
Grilling 1 Cookbook
Frying 1 Cookbook
Nature 1 Instructions
Treat Poison, Vol 1
Cooking Kit Schematics 1
Zip Gun Schematics
Ballistics Kit Schematics 1
Ballistics Repair Schematics 1
Acids 1 Formula
Clubs 1 Instructions
Belts 1 Instructions
Gloves 1 Instructions
Jackets 1 Instructions
Hats 1 Instructions
Compass Schematics
Optics 1 Schematics
Shoes 1 Instructions
Sports Gear 1 Instructions
Scrap Wood
Weak Antiseptic
Ragged Bandage x5