Compulsory Generosity (Kelly Westing - X:3940798, Y:3094716)
- Collect 5 Tainted Vegetables & 5 Tainted Reptile Meat
Gives Exp
35 Chips
Compulsory Generosity: Part 2 (Kelly Westing - X:3940798, Y:3094716)
- Defend Kelly
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Preserving 1 Cookbook
Wisdom Is Meant to be Shared (Kelly Westing - X:3940798, Y:3094716)
- Deliver box of food to Charlie Sands
Gives Exp
A Real Warrior, in Action! (Charlie Sands - X:3949357, Y:3049738)
- Take a George Morris on patrol (10m)
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Defensive Coordination, Vol 1
Mining Our Business (Daphne McKlusky - X:3936880, Y:3087366)
- Talk to Ty Chef
Gives Exp
20 Chips
Mine Over Monster (Ty Chef - X:3978182, Y:3034886)
- Defend the Camp
Gives Exp
In the Dark (Ty Chef - X:3978182, Y:3034886)
- Kill 10 Diggers
Gives Exp
25 Chips
Crude Rock Hammer
Do You Mine? (Ty Chef - X:3978182, Y:3034886)
- Mine 10 Deep Gully Coal
Gives Exp
Do You Mine?: Part 2 (Ty Chef - X:3978182, Y:3034886)
- Bring the minerals to Daphne McKlusky
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Almost Lost His Mine (Daphne McKlusky - X:3936880, Y:3087366)
- Talk to Tom Skittle
Gives Exp
45 Chips
Nail Claw
Things You Hate to Hear (Tom Skittle - X:3967042, Y:3059656)
- Access the computers in the LifeNet Pod at the Deep Gully Mine
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Few Wires Short of a Bundle (Tom Skittle - X:3967042, Y:3059656)
- Collect the Grave Digger Wires
Gives Exp
25 Chips
Killer Clones (Tom Skittle - X:3967042, Y:3059656)
- Use Skittle's Device to shutdown the LifeNet Pod
Gives Exp
Invade Your Space (Deep Gully LifeNet Pod X:3979879, Y:3043720)
- Escape from the Foreman
Gives Exp
Finally Some Good News (Deep Gully LifeNet Pod X:3979879, Y:3043720)
- Talk to Daphne McKlusky
1 AP
Gives Exp
Sportmans's Slugthrower
Shrunken Head
Demanding Supply (Daphne McKlusky - X:3936880, Y:3087366)
- Acquire 2 Hatchets
Gives Exp
Demanding Supply: Part 2 (Once you have 2 Hatchets)
- Deliver the Bag of Hatchets to Aaron Edgars at the Mining Camp
Gives Exp
20 Chips
Work Pants
Mostly Come Out at Night (Aaron Edgars - X:3978042, Y:3032172)
- Recover the miners' lost gear
Gives Exp
60 Chips
Hiking Boots
To Build a Bigger BOOM (Aaron Edgars - X:3978042, Y:3032172)
- Acquire Scrap Steel & 3 Scrap Copper
Gives Exp
Bombs 1 Schematics
Crude Frag Grenade x2
Zombies in Hot Pursuit (Aaron Edgars - X:3978042, Y:3032172)
- Lure the Diggers into a trap & blow them up
Gives Exp
Picking Up the Pieces (Inside Deep Gully Mine - X:4018861, Y:3027008)
- Talk to Aaron
1 AP
Gives Exp
75 Chips
Second Wind, Vol 1
Odenville Chamber of Commerce (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Defend the Trader housing from the Salvagers
Gives Exp
30 Chips
Black and Red Lined Jacket
Restealer (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Recover 10 Odenville Trade Goods from the Salvager Scroungers
Gives Exp
Tire Iron
Bushwhack the Ambuscade (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Find the Salvager Ambush
Gives Exp
Fried Veggies x10
CHOTA Liaisons (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Talk to Viral
Gives Exp
Eye of the CHOTA (Viral - X:3948790, Y:3047000)
- Help the CHOTA hunting party fight the Salvagers
Gives Exp
Dusty Boots (Viral - X:3948790, Y:3047000)
- Report to Sylvia Anderson
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Odenvillain (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Track and kill Dan McGee
Gives Exp
25 Chips
The Muster (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Talk to Skyhide
Gives Exp
Red Sky in Mourning (Skyhide - X:3949357, Y:3049738)
- Kill 10 Salvager Thugs and then send the camp a message
Gives Exp
Coming to a Head (Once you have killed 10 Salvager Thugs)
- Place Severed Head on a pole
Gives Exp
Padded Shoulders
Business or Pleasure? (Skyhide - X:3949357, Y:3049738)
- Talk to Sylvia Anderson
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Salvager Summit (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Talk to the Salvager Boss
Gives Exp
85 Chips
Leather Strap
Salvager Summit: Part 2 (X:3996994, Y:3142433)
- Talk to Sylvia
1 AP
Gives Exp
Crude Vitamin Shot x8
Digging Odenville (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Talk to Daphne McKlusky
Gives Exp
Odenville Industrial Complex (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Collect 5 Ragged Leather
Gives Exp
Odenville Industrial Complex: Part 2 (Once you get 5 Ragged Leather)
- Deliver the Package of Leather to Shannon Ozule
Gives Exp
65 Chips
Shoulders 1 Instructions
Hell Bent for Leather (Shannon Ozule - X:3953445, Y:3085163)
- Acquire 2 Dusters
Gives Exp
145 Chips
Jackets 3 Instructions
Armored and Dangerous (Shannon Ozule - X:3953445, Y:3085163)
- Deliver Shannon Ozule's shipment to Viral
Gives Exp
Pole Position (Viral - X:3948790, Y:3047000)
- Talk to Sylvia Anderson
Gives Exp
25 Chips
Ten Foot Pole (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Acquire a Wood Pole
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Ten Foot Pole, part 2 (Once you have a Wood Pole)
- Deliver the Wood Pole to Skyhide
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Building Inspector (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Inspect the warehouse for structural defects
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Torso 1 Instructions
Long Glove x2
Hard Shell (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Acquire a Light Plated Jacket
Gives Exp
120 Chips
Bandage Aid (Nurse Karen Wheeler - X:3958818, Y:3062946)
- Acquire 8 Ragged Bandages & 7 Weak Antiseptic
Gives Exp
35 Chips
Trauma 1 Instructions
Walking Wounded (Nurse Karen Wheeler - X:3958818, Y:3062946)
- Acquire a Crude Coagulant
Gives Exp
Meds to Go (Once you have a Crude Coagulant)
- Deliver the Crude Coagulant to Viral
Gives Exp
Grilled Goat x6
Walking Wounded: Part 2 (Viral - X:3948790, Y:3047000)
- Talk to Sylvia Anderson
Gives Exp
Med Evac (Sylvia Anderson - X:3971290, Y:3076770)
- Find the caravan
Gives Exp
Don't Sleep 'til Odenville (Caravan Guard - X:3924837, Y:3132789)
- Escort the Wounded Caravan Guard to Doc Spears
Suppressive Attack, Vol 1
Crude Coagulant
Morbid Thoughts (Davey Sands - X:3956058, Y:3061643)
- Kill 10 Grave Robbers
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Vision Quest (Harris the Axe - X:3951380, Y:3050103)
- Talk to Enzo Giovanni in Embry Crossroads
Gives Exp
On the Order Scorpiones (Eagle Eye Tom - X:3951315, Y:3043946)
- Kill 10 Scorpions
Gives Exp
On the Order Scorpiones: Part 2 (Eagle Eye Tom - X:3951315, Y:3043946)
- Collect 2 Weak Biologic Chemicals and 2 Weak Botanic Chemicals
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Pathology 1 Instructions
Crude Poison Resistance x10
The Nest (Eagle Eye Tom - X:3951315, Y:3043946)
- Kill the Huge Scorpion
1 AP
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Defensive Fighting, Vol 1
Ought to Stay Buried (Rachel Hurst - X:3978182, Y:3034886)
- Gather 2 Digger Tissue Samples
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Long Buried Past (Rachel Hurst - X:3978182, Y:3034886)
- Investigate the construction site inside the cave
Gives Exp
100 Chips
Reborn from the Soil (Tonya Alden - X:4020049, Y:3111445)
- Study the local Scorpions
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Reborn from the Soil: Part 2 (Tonya Alden - X:4020049, Y:3111445)
- Collect a sample of the soil near the scorpion nest
Gives Exp
50 Chips
Apples or Oranges (Alberto Basco - X:3952267, Y:3079583)
- Acquire 5 Scrap Copper
Gives Exp
Choose either: Scrap Iron, Weak Geologic Chemical, or Crude Pain Killer
Six in One Hand (Caprice Gallo - X:3955863, Y:3084839)
- Acquire 10 Tainted Water
Gives Exp
Choose either: Scrap Copper x5, Ragged Bandage x5, or Scrap Coal x5
Fair Market Value (Giovanni Contadino - X:3955863, Y:3084839)
- Acquire 5 Tainted Meat
Choose either: Tainted Egg x10, Weak Botanic Chemical x2, or Tainted Grain x2
4 AP
2045 Chips
Preserving 1 Cookbook
Defensive Coordination, Vol 1
Bombs 1 Schematics
Second Wind, Vol 1
Shoulders 1 Instructions
Jackets 3 Instructions
Torso 1 Instructions
Trauma 1 Instructions
Suppressive Attack, Vol 1
Pathology 1 Instructions
Defensive Fighting, Vol 1
Crude Rock Hammer
Nail Claw
Sportmans's Slugthrower
Shrunken Head
Work Pants
Hiking Boots
Black and Red Lined Jacket
Tire Iron
Padded Shoulders
Leather Strap
Long Glove x2
Crude Frag Grenade x2
Fried Veggies x10
Crude Vitamin Shot x8
Grilled Goat x6
Crude Coagulant
Crude Poison Resistance x10