Scattered Sheep (Hannah Fisk - X:4191200, Y:3714366)
- Find Robert Fisk
Gives Exp
Sheepscorting (Robert Fisk - X:4151074, Y:3734253)
- Find & return the missing sheep (10m)
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Lamb Chop x2
Rottermind (Graham 442 - X:4191200, Y:3714366)
- Locate the LifeNet machine
Gives Exp
Rottermined: Part 2 (X:4175023, Y:3743472)
- Locate the freezer key card & use it to open the freezer
Gives Exp
Rottermined: Part 3 (X:4175023, Y:3743472)
- Locate the DNA Analusis Unit
Gives Exp
Rottermined: Part 4 X:4175023, Y:3743472)
- Destroy the Fuse Box & then search the DNA Analysis Unit
Gives Exp
Rottermined: Part 5 (X:4175023, Y:3743472)
- Deliver the Blood Samples to Graham 442
1 AP
Gives Exp
250 Chips
Alpha Clone Sample Theta
Threshing Wheat from Chaff (Thresh Slade - X:4191200, Y:3714366)
- Acquire 7 Scrap Wood
Gives Exp
80 Chips
- Acquire 6 Tainted Vegetables
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Zip Gun Ammunition x100
- Acquire 6 Weak Antiseptic
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Zip Gun Ammunition x100
- Acquire 6 Ragged Leather
Gives Exp
10 Chips
Zip Gun Ammunition x100
1 AP
340 Chips
Lamb Chop x2