Brian Lance - (LifeNet Operator)
Inside LifeNet Pod - X:4388609, Y:3258122
Lynn Ramirez - (Tradeskill Tutor)
Inside LifeNet Pod - X:4388609, Y:3258122
Sarda - (Franklin's Riders)
North Burb Bank - X:4390157, Y:3261823
Junior Bank Officer
North Burb Bank - X:4390157, Y:3261823
Max Murrow
North Burb Bank - X:4390157, Y:3261823
Serena Welch
Cooking Facility - X:4392000, Y:3258248
Veronica Marks
North Burb Downtown - X:4393471, Y:3261537
Dan Hamilton
Science Lab - X:4393090, Y:3263266
Brother Eric Kelly
Science Lab - X:4393090, Y:3263266
Sarah Falls
Eastside of North Burb - X:4398366, Y:3264416
Meredith Rice
Eastside of North Burb - X:4401341, Y:3266183
Riley Smalls
Eastside of North Burb - X:4401341, Y:3266183
Danny Smalls
Eastside of North Burb - X:4401341, Y:3266183
Laungon Smith
Eastside of North Burb - X:4396376, Y:3266535
Charity Boone
Eastside of North Burb - X:4394179, Y:3266700
Open Book Recruiter
Downtown North Burb - X:4390121, Y:3264226
Nathan Whittle
Downtown North Burb - X:4387227, Y:3262969
Student Gareth Winston
Westside of North Burb - X:4379018, Y:3259589
Isaac Gates
Westside of North Burb - X:4379018, Y:3259589
Kingston Falls
Westside of North Burb - X:4371680, Y:3250764
Rachel Moors
Lightbearer Camp - X:4383297, Y:3250826
Brother Dole
Lightbearer Camp - X:4381797, Y:3245676
Brother Paul Kelly
Medical Lab - X:4386822, Y:3248905
Chavez Herrera
Medical Lab - X:4386822, Y:3248905
Master Henry Solomon
Lightbearer Camp - X:4391364, Y:3247314
Brother Michael
Lightbearer Camp - X:4394969, Y:3246985
Bearer Astai
Lightbearer Camp - X:4387831, Y:3253172
Hya Milton
Lightbearer Camp - X:4387831, Y:3253172
Matthew Stone
Lightbearer Camp - X:4387831, Y:3253172
Sister Karoline
North Burb Lake - X:4377391, Y:3273161
Sister Kenyon
North Burb Lake - X:4372342, Y:3276500
Theresa Miller - (Lightbearer)
Quarantine Camp - X:4406298, Y:3294884
Barry Dee
Quarantine Camp - X:4406298, Y:3294884
Brother Brandon
Quarantine Camp - X:4406298, Y:3294884
Lightbearer Empath
Quarantine Camp - X:4406298, Y:3294884
Louis Vaughan - (Garage Manager)
Garage - X:4395186, Y:3290914
James Richardson - (Stable Manager)
Garage - X:4395186, Y:3290914
Helpful Stranger - (ATV Info)
Garage - X:4395186, Y:3290914
Thaddeus Cerny - (Shiva's Favored)
East of North Burb - X:4447695, Y:3272156